Why own a home?
Habitat for Humanity has shown that building a home does more than simply put a roof over someone’s head.
In clean, decent housing:
Families can provide stability for their children.
A family’s sense of dignity and pride grow.
Health, physical safety, and security improve.
Educational and job prospects increase.
Housing is also a great means of wealth creation. For families, especially those with a lower income who are able to own a home, ownership is an important means of wealth accumulation in the form of equity and forced savings resulting from mortgage repayment.
Good housing in communities attracts economic investment and development, and contributes to thriving school systems and community organizations. Good housing is a catalyst for civic activism and a stimulus for community-based organizations. Safe homes and neighborhoods, in which residents are satisfied with housing conditions and public services, help to build social stability and security.
Become a Homeowner
Our Homeownership Program is Based on Partnerships
In Frederick County, one of the most visible ways we impact affordable housing is our homeownership program. We partner with families who cannot qualify for a conventional mortgage and have no other way to own a home on their own.
Based on the concept of partnership, Habitat commits to working with the local community to build or renovate decent houses and sell them to qualified families with a low-interest mortgage. In turn, Partner Families must contribute “sweat equity” before purchasing the home, attend homeownership workshops, follow program guidelines, and repay the mortgage.
Family Selection and Applicant Eligibility Criteria
To qualify to be a Frederick Habitat Homeowner, you must have:
A housing need. For example, your current living environment is not adequate because it is too crowded, unsafe, unsanitary or not affordable.
Currently live or work in Frederick County for a minimum of one year.
A total household income between 30% - 60% of the area median income.
We also require that all household members be willing to contribute between 300 and 500 hours of (combined) “sweat equity” before you purchase your home. Family size will determine the total number of hours. Relatives and friends can contribute up to 40 percent of the total hours required.
Finally, you will be required to provide a $500.00 down payment, payable at the time you sign your letter of approval.
To view the complete eligibility criteria, please click here for the document.
Do you have a need for adequate housing here in Frederick County, MD?
The Application, Selection, and Partnership Process
In order to be considered for the homebuying program, applicants must fill out the pre-qualification form and mail it to or drop it off at our main office. The staff will then process the information on the pre-qualification form to see if the applicants qualify for our program.
Applications are only accepted during the open application period, but pre-qualification forms are accepted anytime.